Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baby Fullmoon Package

Fancy giving cupcakes for baby full moon celebration than the common and traditional ang-ku, red-coloured egg, nasi kunyit with curry chicken or butter cake?

I feel so excited when I did my first full moon order. This is my cutest series of cupcake - little bootie, nen-nen bottle, bib and baby jumper suit. They are just too adorable...just the right representation for any newborn :-)

So if you decide to celebrate your baby full moon with something more different and meaningful, please drop me an email at I see how I can customise the design to best suit your little angel.

Below is the sample of my full moon packages with combination of 2D + 3D design (as shown in the photo).


  1. my brother and sis-in-law loves and adores the cupcakes for the full moon , very lovely indeed !!
